Monday, March 05, 2007

Earthquake? Wind? Freight Train? Casper?

Oh the questions, there's just soooo many...
For those of you who've kept up on HJ's blog, while your wild imaginations may have led you to believe we had some bed spinning fun a week ago, it was nothing like that. What happened was we were almost asleep, around 11:45pm (give or take a few minutes) and the bed moved just a little bit, kinda like it would if your partner was turning over to get comfy but neither of us was turning so maybe there was leg stretching going on? Nope. We checked in with each other and sure enough, neither of us was moving intentionally. What could it be? My first thoughts went to some distant small earthquake because when I was a kid, there was something like this that happened and it was enough to make the house move a little bit, clinky glasses and such but it was from a small baby earthquake over an hour's drive away. And of course, being a house obsessed new homowner, my thoughts went to the structural integrity of the house, so I got up, put my hand on the wall (because that should tell me everything) and I listened. The bedroom door had moved a little bit too because you could hear it rather than see it--you know, that sound that latex paint makes when it sorta sticks, if you painted the side of the door too thick, something like that. I was able to re-create that sound so I felt pretty confident about the direction of the movement. We went into the hall to see if something big had fallen, or if we could hear anything else, nope. So back to bed, and of course, we moved a little again. And let's take a brief moment to clarify what I mean by "movement" if you were to put your finger out in front of you and sway it 1/2 and inch to the left and then 1/2 an inch to the right--that was the extent of it. It was soooo slight it wouldn't have even had a chance of calming a cranky baby. I don't think we would have noticed it at all to be honest except that we were laying so still in the bed waiting for sleep. So, yes, there was some nervousness because while it's not my first inclination, I am susceptible to my sweetie's concerns of ghosty friends hanging out and playing with us but it didn't creep me out enough to keep me up, I was so tuckered out I slept deeply (as usual) and woke up all sorts of refreshed in the morning and curious about any local seismic activity (which apparently there was none).

But here's the cool thing--we weren't alone! Check out the philly blog link and you'll see what I mean:

So there's all sorts of logical ideas to explain this little weirdo experience. Of course, I'm also open to suggestions on house cleansing, etc and we did the sage thing and I think will be doing some church incense thing too because hey, it can't hurt and it makes the house smell pretty.

What I think this really means is that we'll be having some bitchin' Halloween parties because with descriptions like the one on HJ's blog, we can build up the hysteria and have a spooky scary house HA HA HA (voice over by Count Dracula). I just hope people still come to the potlucks...