National Coming OUT Day

Today, I must stray from my usual genre for this blog to pay homage to a certain young man who will be celebrating his very first coming out day. For those of you who have been lucky enough to meet my boy Jimmy, you already know how loveable this kid is. He'll change your mind about teenagers, really. Anyone who's got ill feelings about those high school age angsty complainers who start trouble, do nothing, and expect to be waited on hand and foot, this kid's different. Oh, he's got the angsty in him, and he'll be lazy if you let him, but unlike some pain in the ass kids, Jimmy comes through for you each and every time. He's a powerhouse. I just don't even know where to start to express to you how I love the Jimmy.
Let's see, after we got the house and were getting ready to move in, Jamesy here was going to stay with us for the week--everyone who moves knows this week of transition is a hell week, it's a non-stop work week, it's a manual labor overload week. And moving into a new house? Geez, there's so much to do, cleaning, last minute packing, anxiety attacks, hauling, shoving, lifting, sweating, pulling, pushing, cussing out the damn couch, tripping on the new stairs, being hungry and thirsty and forgetting you moved the food already, exhaustion!
Jimmy was like a Mambo Mover all by himself, he was up at a decent hour! (CRAZINESS!) and he didn't complain--even when his cousin got a little nutty and snappy about some stuff. He was so easy going, and lots of times just started helping out without any direction--aside from all the boxes this studmuffin relocated all throughout the house, and the air conditioner he carried single handedly, he took on our dining room chandelier--he created his own mix of cleaner and took down each and every teardrop of crystal (glass?) washed it by hand, dried it completely, and rehung it. It's such a beautiful thing. I would guess that it hadn't been washed or even dusted probably in the past 30 years. I would have never thought of tackling that, I would have noticed it was a little grimy but would never have actually had the interest or motivation to take it on. Jimmy did and what a difference it makes for that room, oh my God! This boy leaves beauty in his wake wherever he goes. And he's a damn fine dancer too! Everybody should be so lucky to have themselves a Jimmy in their life. I can't wait for him to come and visit again--this time I promise we'll go to the movies!
Now in regards to the title--Jimmy's gonna be a heartbreaker. He'll killer on the stage (totally worth the 8 hour round trip!), kind hearted and loving (as described above), dead sexy--I know we're family and all but it's a fact, I mean what do you want from me, we've got hot people in our family and Jimmy is DEFINITELY one of them. He gives great hugs, is thoughtful (beautiful flowers for my birthday). He's a good friend, smart (when he studies--nothin but A's and B's this year kiddo!). When he smiles, well, it's the kind of smile that makes you have hope in the world. And don't even get me started on that laugh! I used to do the most ridiculous things when he was little just to get him to laugh, it'll make you pee if you're not careful!
My boy James is bound for great things and if you know him, get to see him on a regular basis, ever have the lucky chance to date him--so help me if you don't appreciate him. Really, I'll come find you...
Happy First Coming OUT Day Jimmy!!!!
I completely agree!!! I was one of the folks who COULDN'T STAND teenagers! Even when I was a teenager myself, I thought they were rediculous!! Jimmy COMPLETELY changed my perspective on folks his age. He is kind, loving, genuine, FUN, an amazing dresser (we still have to go clothes shopping!!) His laugh is infectious, and his heart is so large! He is an amazing man and I am proud to know him!! I only wish he lived closer so we could hang more often...I miss him and think of him often!! Beth is right when she says we wouldn't have even thought of the chandelier and all it's parts! Thank you Jimmy for doing that, and for being such an amazing person! I hope you carry these sentiments with you daily! You are a star...shine brightly!!!
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